Submitted by: Gill Binnie

Before I met Shani in 2013 I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer in 2008 at the age of 55. An unreal time in my life – mastectomy and chemo – always questioning why me? But with help from family and friends I got through this period and at the end of 2008 was put on cancer meds with regular checks with my oncologist. During this period my weight rose dramatically to 212 lbs and my body fat 50%.
"Yahsuh Fitbox has everything a person needs with a variety of classes to suit all levels and all ages. It is my home from home, my feel good place."
Exercise has always been a part of my life, squash, gym and coaching junior squash. I tried to regain my fitness and lose weight but nothing was working. I had to get my mind set in gear that I needed and wanted to lose this weight. In 2013 I joined Chai where I took Zumba and Pilates classes. By early 2014 I still was not progressing and approached Shani about personal training. My first session with Shani in March 2014 was an absolute killer, she well and truly kicked my butt! All through 2014 I had one or two sessions a week with Shani, along with attending group classes at Chai. My starting weight with Shani was 202 lbs and by December I had reached 165 and it was at this time I then opted for breast reconstruction. This again put me out of the gym for a few months and my weight crept up to around 175. But as soon as the Dr gave me the all clear I was back at it.
Shani is a person who motivates and cares deeply for her clients; she has become a great friend to me and we are still on this fitness journey together and I am so thankful to have her in my corner. My weight crept up in 2018, due to various events, but it is now heading back to the 175 where I want to be! My body has changed so much and even though the scales show more than I want, my body shape has transformed, and my fitness work with heavy weights under Shani’s watchful eye, is amazing.
Yahsuh Fitbox has everything a person needs with a variety of classes to suit all levels and all ages. It is my home from home, my feel good place.